How to Measure Your Clothing
These pictures and instructions are useful to ensure the customer measures clothes with the same methods as Pukimo Raivio. Each factory has its own patterns, and there are differences between countries. An Italian suit in size 50 EU, for example, does not fit like an American equivalent, and Italy alone has thousands of factories.
It's simply most convenient to compare the measurements on Pukimo Raivio with the clothes in your closet. The customer has s 7-day return right, but pays for the return costs. To avoid disappointments, careful measuring is in order.
Jackets, suit jackets, and overcoats
The jacket is put on the hanger and the shoulders are stretched sideways to their full extent. This way, the padding inside the shoulders or the shape of the hanger do not affect the measurement. Shoulder width is measured from the reverse side of the jacket, above the shoulder seams.
Sleeve length is measured from the top of the shoulder seam to the sleeve end, while the tape measure is sbove the side of the sleeve.
The chest girth is taken from the back, under the armpits, while the cloth is stretched to its extreme.
The length of the jacket is measured from the back, under the collar to the hem.
The waist girth is measured with the buttoning button closed, and the fabric is stretched to its extreme length.
Collar shirts and knitwear
For shirts, the shoulder width is taken on top of the shoulder seams while the fabric is stretched to the sides. Knitwear should not be stretched as wool has much more elasticity than cotton, and distorts the measurement.
The length of the sleeve is taken on top of the shoulder seam to the end of the cuff. The tape runs down the outer part of the sleeve. Again, shirts are stretched and knitwear is not.
The chest measurements is taken under the armpits. It doesn't matter which side of the shirt or knitwear the measurement is taken from. Shirts are stretched, knitwear is not.
The length is measured from under the back collar to the end of the hem, with the shirt stretched and the jumper not.
The waist circumference is taken from the sides of the waist, while stretching the cloth to its maximum extent.
The outer length is measured from the top of the waistband to the end of the leg, so that the tape measure is on the side.
The inside length is measured under the groin seam to the leg while the tape measure runs along the inside of the leg.