Presentations of Clothiers

Chester Barrie: Company Info

Chester Barrie was a famous, respected men's clothing factory that was founded in England in 1935. CB made men's clothing by hand, just like tailors on the traditional Savile Row,...

Chester Barrie: Company Info

Chester Barrie was a famous, respected men's clothing factory that was founded in England in 1935. CB made men's clothing by hand, just like tailors on the traditional Savile Row,...


Mittatilauspaitoihin erikoistunut Schoffa perustettiin 2007 Eerikinkadulle, josta se muutti myöhemmin Kämp Galleriaan. Myös mittojen mukaiset housut, liivit, pikkutakit, puvut sekä villakangastakit luonnistuvat, mutta Virossa valmistettavat paidat ovat etusijalla. Muut vaatteet...


Mittatilauspaitoihin erikoistunut Schoffa perustettiin 2007 Eerikinkadulle, josta se muutti myöhemmin Kämp Galleriaan. Myös mittojen mukaiset housut, liivit, pikkutakit, puvut sekä villakangastakit luonnistuvat, mutta Virossa valmistettavat paidat ovat etusijalla. Muut vaatteet...

Allen-Edmonds: Company Info

Elbert E. Allen founded the footwear company that bears his name in 1922 in the state of Wisconsin. A couple of years later, he added William Edmonds as a partner,...

Allen-Edmonds: Company Info

Elbert E. Allen founded the footwear company that bears his name in 1922 in the state of Wisconsin. A couple of years later, he added William Edmonds as a partner,...

Pal Zileri

Pal Zileri is part of the Italian Gruppo Forall and its most famous clothing brand. PZ was created in the early '80s and its name comes from an aristocratic surname...

Pal Zileri

Pal Zileri is part of the Italian Gruppo Forall and its most famous clothing brand. PZ was created in the early '80s and its name comes from an aristocratic surname...

Brooks Brothers: Company Info

Brooks Brothers is the most important men's clothier in American history. In 1818, Henry Sands Brooks founded the company, which enjoyed an immense reputation for almost two centuries. In 1845,...

Brooks Brothers: Company Info

Brooks Brothers is the most important men's clothier in American history. In 1818, Henry Sands Brooks founded the company, which enjoyed an immense reputation for almost two centuries. In 1845,...

Gant: Company Info

The Ukrainian immigrant Bernard Gant arrived in New York in 1914. He found work in the Manhattan garment district, where he toiled with collars and buttonholes. There he also met...

Gant: Company Info

The Ukrainian immigrant Bernard Gant arrived in New York in 1914. He found work in the Manhattan garment district, where he toiled with collars and buttonholes. There he also met...